The Fault in Our Scars

The Fault in Our Scars

The scars told the story of a warrior who did not succumb to their wounds. One who lived to fight another day, even if the fight was on the inside. And one who had a body willing to fight for it and heal what was broken, even if it could never be the same.

She Smiles: A Life in Review

She Smiles: A Life in Review

She moves forward to a time and place where her beauty is at its pinnacle. But she didn't know it. She laughs as she watches her younger self worry over things that will never come to pass. She wants to tell her it will all turn out fine, but she knows she cannot. She is simply passing through life already lived. And so she watches as her younger self daydreams of a life not yet lived but longed for in a way only the young and foolish can.