How to Cure an Energy Hangover

How to Cure an Energy Hangover

You were out on a date, or out with a friend. By all accounts, it seemed as though you had a good night.  You felt a bit tired, but you figured it must be due to the demands placed on you at work.  The next morning, you open your eyes and immediately sense something is wrong.  You feel as though someone hit you in the head with a baseball bat. You try to get out of bed, but can’t.  Your head feels heavy, not quite a headache, it's a feeling that drops you back onto your pillow for some much-needed rest.  This my dear friends, is an energy hangover, and it is not fun.

SAGE: Why You Can’t Live Without It

SAGE: Why You Can’t Live Without It

People always chuckle a bit when I mention that I am truly screwed without my trusty sage stick.  Especially when I was living in NYC, where there are far too many people with far too many dark astral energies stalking them.  I could never even fathom living without my sage.  I’ve had guests who cringed at the smell of it and went screaming in the night.  But that never bothers me, because that is exactly what sage is supposed to do, rid you of negative energy and those who bring it with them.

7 Home Remedies for Clearing Toxic Energy

7 Home Remedies for Clearing Toxic Energy

If you could see the energetic transference of energy you would see what looks like little hooks, that literally fly out from one person to another hooking into their chakras.  These "cords" can suck your precious energy right out from under your nose energizing the person stealing and and leaving you weak and vulnerable to psychic attack.