The Awesome Power of No

The Awesome Power of No

Our subconscious likes to attract situations, and people to us that can challenge our growth as humans. When a situation presents itself that raises any of these fears it is really our higher selves urging us to learn the power of standing our ground. And how do we stand our ground when faced with something we really don't want to do? We learn to say no.

Hypersensitive? I Gotta Be Me

Hypersensitive? I Gotta Be Me

I am proud to be sensitive.  Sensitivity is not synonymous with weakness, it's synonymous with great strength  We love too much, give too much and hurt too much but somehow we are built to withstand any emotional storm and come out the better for it.  So for those who can't deal with my sensitive nature, BE GONE! Because like the great Sammy Davis Jr. once sang "I gotta be me."