Empath vs Narcissist

Empath vs Narcissist

Narcissists are charmers and very good at stroking the egos of those they wish to suck into their web. They will tell you everything you want to hear and more. They will be your very best friend, the one who comes to your aid when needed, rushes to bring you food you didn't ask for, and speaks highly of you to anyone who will listen (at first). They are so enchanting; you will be floating on cloud nine, wondering how you got so lucky to attract this incredible human who seems to "get" you. But that's the rub. They don't actually get you, far from it. Empaths and narcissists are opposed, so they could never get you.

The Danger of Words

The Danger of Words

We have all been on the receiving end of texts, emails, calls, or fights where things were said to or about us, that no matter how the situation resolved, left an open wound of distrust. And we ourselves have delivered those blows to people, unjust, and without thinking, slaying them callously with our serpent tongues. For many of us, our tongues are the master and us its servant, slaves to what it speaks in our name, unable to stop it from wagging.

Toxic People, a slow poison we can’t stop drinking

Toxic People, a slow poison we can’t stop drinking

Those of us that are compassionate will often try to rationalize keeping these demons in our lives for fear of losing a friend.  But the truth is we are poisoning ourselves.  We are quite literally drinking a toxic emotional cocktail that robs us of our joy, self-respect, and happiness.  And yet, just like any other addiction, we keep coming back for more.